The Full Story
This is the ISTYLE story! Behind the ISTYLE its me, designer Ingrid Francoise.
First of all I started with a branding. I know quite a lot about pattern and sewing,but to create a brand was so fascinating. I had ready my idea for logo.. This time my initials were I&S. It was easy solution - the letter I, as needle and letter S, like the thread is going trough the needlehead.
I ordered labels, optimistic and head full of all different styles for clothes.. But the life went different way and instead of branding I got married. My new name is now Ingrid Francoise!! And there I was again, 3 years later, head full of plans and ideas.. But the question was, what I'm gonna do with my labels and my logo which was still looking good enough to use!!?? Soon it was obvious, that its gonna be letter I-still as Ingrid and S as Style and together its ISTYLE!!
But its hard to explain in English, thats I its for Ingrid, because everybody is I :)
So now the first collection “WORLD & PATTERN“...
What kind of style it's should be...? The styles what I had before felt all just not right.
The idea is to offer something different and flattering. The A-shape used for most of ISTYLE dresses it's suitable for every single body shape. And Culottes... this pair of wide trousers its the best if You want to wear something like a skirt, but You still be able to cycle or sit down on the playground with your little ones. Or even just change some accessories and go out with your friends!!
And my favourite item in this collection is SHORT SLEEVE JACKET! I just needed some additional layer on top of my clothes. Something what looks like a coat, but doesn't have long sleeves. And something, with a hood, what keeps me a warm and its safe with a rainy day. I even wear this jacket with going out high hills boots!
ISTYLE is good style for You if You like colours and patterns. But why the African pattern?
Why not! I'm coming from Estonia, where people are often bit afraid of colours. For me the colours bring like the sun out, even if weather it's cold. The crazy bold pattern makes You smile!
It's also worth to mention, that the African Wax print last long time because of the way its printed.
ISTYLE has matching uni colour details for the dress . It's makes it little bit more formal but still fun!
So maybe You want to experiment with me!?
Thank You for reading!